Chapter 3: Mid-Term Evaluation

034_Arkananta Rasendriya
5 min readOct 19, 2023


Basic Physics practicums had been done twice by now. Since the first-year students must attend the practicum four times, thus they did fifty percents of overall practicum and it signs the incoming of mid-semester. As a result, mid-term evaluation must be done by head of assistant like Arina.

One strongest point that Arina evaluates from her students is plagiarism. She found many practicum reports (Laporan Praktikum) and answer sheets of prerequisite test (Tugas Pendahuluan) of her students including some plagiarisms. Like one day when she rechecked student’s prerequisite test answer sheets in the assistant room,

“Sigh, A and B wrote the same implementation for their fourth problem of prerequisite test, and even their writing are nearly identical. Moment of inertia has so many implementations, why are you wrote the same thing??? AH!!!” Arina expressed her anger loudly until all assistants saw her.

“Huuuuuuh…”, Arina inhaled a breath.

“Okay, I will tell the students with Ms Teams soon, after the mid-term evaluations are given.”

Back to mid-term evaluation. Arina then advises the students with her writing,

“Good afternoon students,
I found that some of you did a plagiarism. Thus, I advise you to search some journal articles to answer your prerequisite test problems. You can use Google Scholar to find them. Please hit me up if you meet problems.
Best regards,

After writing the advice above, Arina closes her laptop and prepares to walk to Gedung Kuliah Umum (GKU) 2 for lunch. Arina was in Student Lounge when she writes the advice. Just a moment before she stands up and leaves the lounge, some of her students approach.

“Kak Arinaaaa….”, Dini called Arina from an eyesight distance. Remind that the lounge has walls so the eyesight is not that far.

“Hi, Dini. How can I help you?” Arina asks.

“Kak Arina, Dini and friends still not have any idea to use Google Scholar. Can you help me?” Dini seeks a help.

“Oh sure, give me a second to reboot my laptop.”

Arina turns of her laptop and opens Microsoft Edge. Then, she starts to demonstrate the process of finding journal articles in Google Scholar.

“Okay, so which module do you have for the next practicum?” Arina open a question.

“I have the fifth one,” Azkia and Dini answer.

“Me too, me too,” Nayla agrees them.

“Okay, the fifth module is about moment of inertia, isn’t it?” Arina does a recheck.

“Yes, it is,” Dini and her friends answer simultaneously.

“Okay, first I try to find with keyword: Inertia. What can you see from my screen?” Arina did her first search.

Figure 1. Result of Google Scholar Finding Using Keyword: Inertia

“Three million articles and more. It seems too much,” Azkia answers.

“It is right, and obviously we have no time to read the entire searched articles, even if we read the titles only. We must reduce our finding,” Arina takes a conclusion.

“Hmmm… the module said about moment of inertia. How if I type ‘moment of inertia’ on the Google Scholar search tab?” Nayla makes an idea.

“Let’s give a try. You can use my laptop,” Arina apreciates.

“Thank you, Kak,” says Nayla.

Nayla then type ‘moment of inertia’ as a keyword.

Figure 2. Result of Google Scholar Finding Using Keyword: Moment of Inertia

“Ah, the appeared articles reduced by one-thirth,” Nayla takes a conclusion.

“Yes, typing a phrase as keyword(s) can deduct our search,” Arina connects.

“Aaaaaa…. how if I add ‘implementation of’ before previous keyword, to match my searching with the fourth problem?” Nayla thinks and then types.

Figure 3. Result of Google Scholar Finding Using Keyword: Implementation of Moment of Inertia

“Woah… the articles reduced by one-fourth,” Dini is stunned when she says it.

“Good try, but how if I add apostrope (“) before and after the keywords? You will be more stunned after that,” Arina says that to Dini.

Figure 4. Result of Google Scholar Finding Using Keyword: “Implementation of Moment of Inertia”

“O… on.. ly… two?” Dini is amazed but then she says, “Okay, I will use that.”

“Dini you are unfair,” Azkia says.

“No matter, she brought us to Kak Arina. Let’s find another articles for us,” Nayla shuts down the tension.

“Wait, I know that rolling things use the moment of inertia concept. How can I narrow my searching such that the articles I get only about rolling, other than using apostrope?” Nayla asks.

“You can use “+” sign, then type ‘roll’ behind that,” Arina answers.

“Okay, I will try, ‘moment of inertia +roll’.”

Figure 5. Result of Google Scholar Finding Using Keyword: Moment of Inertia +Roll

“Wow, the articles are all about rolling. I think I will make it more narrow by adding another constraints, such as CFD (i.e. Computational Fluid Dynamics) and Numerical Simulation.”

After takes above conclusion, Nayla then try to type another constraints.

Figure 6. Result of Google Scholar Finding Using Keyword: Moment of Inertia +Roll +Numerical Simulation +CFD

“Wow, the results reduced by about one-twelfth. Okay, I think I will use this one for my number fourth (answer). Thank you Kak Arina,” Nayla says.

“You’re welcome.”

“Kak Arina, how can I find the different articles by them, but I have no idea?” Azkia then asks.

“Just change the plus sign into minus. You will find that all articles that appeared on the screen don’t include ‘roll’, ‘numerical simulation’, and ‘CFD’. Give a try,” Arina answers and passes her laptop to Azkia.

“Okay, Kak.”

Azkia then changes the sign, and she finds the articles like shown on Figure 7.

Figure 7. Result of Google Scholar Finding Using Keyword: Moment of Inertia -Roll -Numerical Simulation -CFD

“These are more article, but I think I will use the top one. Thank you Kak Arina for the help,” Azkia says.

“You’re welcome. Keep fighting and don’t forget for your practicum!” Arina gives them a motivation.

“Sure, Kak,” Dini and her friends says and leaves Kak Arina.



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